Wednesday, May 7, 2008


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The city known world over for the exquisite Taj Mahal. My last tryst with the Taj had been on a school trip at the age of 8. Needless to say, I was in awe of this World Heritage Monument due to its looming presence, if not for the intricate carvings, gem-studded inlay work and its significant romantic and historical importance (all of which I did not understand back then.

Anyway, we arrived in Agra and got to work, trying to wrap up our official work ASAP in order to spare sometime for sightseeing, so to say. Of course, the only place I was keen on visiting was the Taj Mahal. At last, on the second day of our trip, we wrapped up by late afternoon so we could reach the Taj in the early evening to capture the sunset (through our camera, of course). Even though the internet has photographs of the Taj from all possible angles and taken at every possible time of day, to be able to capture the perfect shot on your own camera is another high altogether.

After two days of admiring it from various parts of the city, we were ready to experience it at close quarters. Efficiently planning our day, we reached just in time to catch the sunset effect. Having heard stories about how the last rays of the sun slide off the pristine white marble, giving rise to a myriad hue of colours, we were awaiting the moment when we would be enthralled by the breathtaking splendour of the most glorious ‘monument to love’. I don’t want to reiterate the historical story about why and how the Taj was built, since every person who is able to read this, is definitely aware of the ‘saga of love’ (if not, you really need to go back to junior school).

Anyway, with bated breath, we waited for the moment when we would come face to face with the Taj. Running through the hotel corridor, paying extra fare to the auto-rickshaw, shifting on to a cycle rickshaw at the periphery of the Taj boundary, we did everything in our power to get there on time. Alas, to no avail! Our country’s effort to become more organised and create a convenient tourism infrastructure is still a dream. Rather, a nightmare!

First of all, no polluting vehicles are allowed close to the Taj, which is a good move to preserve it, except the cops will probably not allow your cycle rickshaw(!) upto the entrance either (someone please inform them about the toxic levels of polluting smoke emitted by a cycle rickshaw). Nevertheless, after cribbing about it all and walking two hundred metres, when you finally reach the entrance, awaiting you is a long queue of people waiting for their turn to enter. That isn’t all, you need to deposit your cell phone and bag (if it’s bulky) at government counters where, as is the case with any government setup, stands a snake like queue of hassled people.

The security measure is understandable and of course, required, but the way it is handled leaves a lot to be desired. After much ado and many more security clearance procedures, when you finally reach the spectacular Taj, the teeming millions of our country are there to greet you. Having gone on a Saturday evening, we witnessed the monument in its full glory, complete with its hordes of admires.

There is no doubt that the Taj is one of the most amazing monuments on the face of this planet, yet the hassles that one has to entail in order to witness its stunning beauty, could lead to second thoughts while contemplating another visit. For all those not very comfortable with crowds, a word of caution, do not repeat our mistake; avoid visiting over the weekend. It isn’t guaranteed that the place will not be flooded with swarms of people, but you will surely have much more time and peace of mind to absorb the charismatic presence of this member of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Agra, as a whole, lives through the Taj. Each individual, at every waking moment, lives, breathes and feels the Taj because the entire economy of the city is based on the popularity of the Taj. Not to say that Agra doesn’t offer anything beyond the Taj because the city does have a lot more to offer in terms of ancient monuments, a fascinating history and an unparalleled cultural bonhomie but all that one knows or wants to know about Agra revolves around the Taj Mahal. It has become the one source of livelihood for most people in the city and will probably remain so for times to come.

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